How to process certificate requests for a Managed PKI for SSL Control Center?
Process / Approve / Reject certificate requests for a Managed PKI for SSL Control Center
To approve or reject certificate requests, it must be processed by an Administrator with the Certificate Management or Security Administrator role. From the Control Center's Certificate Management page, you can view each request, review the details of the enrollment information, and approve or reject the SSL ID request. These tasks are the core of an administrator's job.
To approve or reject a certificate request, follow these instructions:
1. Go to the Managed PKI Control Center:
2. From the top menu, click Certificate Management
3. From the left side menu, click Process Requests
4. Review the request. For more detailed information, clicking View Details
Validate the certificate request, confirm the certificate applicant's identity and that the Web server to which the certificate is issued is an officially sanctioned site of your organization. Also, confirm that all other information intended for inclusion in the certificate is accurate.
> If the information is valid, click Approve to approve the Digital ID request. The request is signed using your administrator private key and sent to Symantec, where the certificate is generated, signed, and entered in the Symantec Certificate Repository.
> If you cannot validate the Digital ID request, you must reject the request. Click Reject to reject a request. Managed PKI prompts you for a reason for rejection, then creates an e-mail message to the applicant that includes the reason.
WarungSSL has made efforts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information in this document. However, WarungSSL makes no warranties of any kind (whether express, implied or statutory) with respect to the information contained herein. WarungSSL assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) caused by any errors, omissions, or statements of any kind contained in this document.
Further, WarungSSL assumes no liability arising from the application or use of the product or service described herein and specifically disclaims any representation that the products or services described herein do not infringe upon any existing or future intellectual property rights. Nothing herein grants the reader any license to make, use, or sell equipment or products constructed in accordance with this document. Finally, all rights and privileges related to any intellectual property right described herein are vested in the patent, trademark, or service mark owner, and no other person may exercise such rights without express permission, authority, or license secured from the patent, trademark, or service mark owner. Geotrust reserves the right to make changes to any information herein without further notice.
Symantec adalah brand terbaik dan terpopuler di dunia SSL yang ada saat ini, yang menjamin keamanan dengan tingkat paling tinggi dan terpercaya. Ditandai dengan tampilan Norton Secured Seal yang telah dikenal secara meluas di dunia internet.
Entrust adalah salah satu CA sertifikat SSL yang berdiri di Minneapolis,Minnesota, Amerika Serikat yang telah sukses menguasai pasar industri SSL/TLS yang memiliki pendapatan $ 600 juta setiap tahunnya.
selengkapnyaSectigo merupakan Brand dengan penawaran produk terlengkap dan terbanyak di industri keamanan komputer di dunia.
selengkapnyaGeoTrust menawarkan berbagai SSL Certificate dengan harga terbaik dan melalui proses pengiriman cepat
selengkapnyaThawte merupakan SSL Certificate pertama yang didirikan di negara Afrika Selatan pada tahun 1995.
selengkapnyaRapidSSL adalah Brand SSL Certificate dari Rapid yang memiliki keunggulan penerbitan sertifikat dalam waktu cepat dan proses yang mudah.
selengkapnyaCertum merupakan brand SSL Certificate yang didirikan pada tahun 1998 di negara Polandia dan telah berkembang menjadi CA international yang terpercaya sebagai otoritas sertifikat teratas dan populer di negara tersebut.
selengkapnyaTipe SSL Certificate
Jenis Validasi
Sertifikat SSL dasar yang hanya menawarkan sekedar enkripsi, yang bisa didapatkan cukup dengan approve kepemilikan domain.
SelengkapnyaSertifikat SSL tingkat menengah tidak hanya menawarkan enkripsi namun sebuah "trust" melalui validasi organisasi Anda.
SelengkapnyaSertifikat SSL dengan tingkat enkripsi dan trust tertinggi dari sebuah SSL dengan proses validasi ketat standar dunia.